Pragmalinq is a `solution oriented` company creating solutions of high quality by becoming integrated with changes of the market and has been following the advancements in the information technologies sector closely. By utilizing innovative technologies which suit your needs the most and offering innovative solutions, it enables you to gain competitive advantage and improve your business efficiency and profitableness.
The institutional and individual trainings given in the context of consultancy and information services support the career development of solution team professionals by providing them real-world project experience while also maximizing the returns of investments of companies by participating in BT projects in the sector. Pragmalinq experts, who keep themselves up-to-date with the advancing technology, offer the technology to their customers by learning it from reliable sources while it is yet in the development phase. Our experts and consultants who in this context frequently take part in trainings abroad gain experience on technologies yet in the development phase.
Our experts who constantly update their knowledge transmit their gained experience and new technologies to BT experts in the sector, train them in up-to-date fields and provide consulting services to them.